The Ramblings of a Writer
***March 6, 2025
It's odd how time seems to move faster as you get older. I remember being a kid and having to wait a week until Christmas, and the excitement just made that week feel like an absolute eternity. There is no week longer than that week before Christmas as a child, lol. But, I don't think you really have a sense of time when you're young. You're too busy being in the moment and just having fun. You never really think about getting old or the fact you won't be around forever. The older you get though, the more you think about these sorts of things. You fast forward a few years and suddenly ... I can't believe it's already March! I felt like we just did Christmas yesterday! Time, please slow down. I just want to savor this life and bask in every moment I can.
I finished reading this really great book the other day. It had me hooked from the very first page. But, it ends on this terrible, awful, cliffhanger. It feels like it ended right as the scene was getting climactic and interesting. Urgh, the torture. And there is no telling when the follow up novel will be released. Of course, I took to calling one of my bookworm friends to thoroughly vent about it. After I unleashed all of my frustration, my friend simply said, "Well, I mean...not trying to be cruel or anything when I say this, but this is kind of your karma, I think. You end all of the books you write on cliffhangers. So, I think you're getting a taste of your own medicine." So, needless to say, I'm down one friend, lol. No, I'm just kidding. But yea...I suppose I am getting the karma I deserve. I'm sorry you guys. As a writer, cliffhangers are so much fun! As a reader though, it's the best and worst way, lol. I'll do better from here on out. No more cliffhangers. (This is a huge, whopper of a lie. I definitely will continue with cliffhanger endings when applicable. Sorry, not sorry.)
Well, you guys, I sincerely hope that the coming weekend is a good one. Sending you all tons of love and good vibes. And, in case nobody has told you this today - you are wonderful.
***February 25, 2025
Hello, loves. Here we are again, just a little into yet another new week. I hope it's treated you all well. So far, it's been quite nice for me. Everything has been pretty smooth sailing. I find myself wanting more of last weekend though, lol. I went out with a friend and we spent just about all day at the lake (or, at least, what's left of it anyways.) The lake has been quite low for a while now, but it didn't stop us from having such a good time. We talked about all kinds of wonderfully strange things, we hunted for seashells and hagstones, and just had the best time. The weather was perfect for it too. It was crisp, cool, sunny, and just lovely. Whenever I spend a long time outdoors it makes me almost dread having to go back indoors again, lol. I am convinced I was a tree in another life.
In other exciting news, the hubby and I have begun our spring cleaning. Yes, I know, it's thrilling, lol. In all honesty though, I actually do sort of enjoy giving my home a deep clean. It's nice to just open all the windows too while you're cleaning, and let the house breathe. Plus, I have the best house cleaning music playlist! When I clean, I jam out, unabashedly. Like, you know those scenes in the movies where the main character is dancing around with a mop, singing along to a song they dig?! Lol, that's actually me. I have mop moves that would blow your mind.
I spent a good portion of yesterday evening querying. (Long sigh.) Querying is really friggen hard and exhausting. Every agent wants certain elements of your book and have numerous different requirements. It's so stressful to make sure you are sending all the right stuff and that it all looks exceptional and stands out from the rest. And then comes the waiting game afterwards. Will you hear back from them in a week...maybe a couple months...many months...maybe all?! It's all a fun, wonderful part of the publishing process though. It's a challenge and it can be disheartening at times, but you gotta keep on keepin on. I may be tired and a little bruised, but I've still got a lot of umph left in me. I've received a lot of signs and good gut feelings lately though. I know a lot of people may not believe in that sort of thing, but I do. I have a feeling this is gonna be my year. I guess we'll see. Fingers crossed.
I hope the rest of the week goes smoothly for you all. Sending you bunches of cyber hugs and good vibes. I've gotta get back to book 6. I sincerely can't wait to share it with you all. I love you guys. Arrivederci.
***February 10, 2025
Hey, you guys. I don't know about you all, but I was born to ride dragons and explore magical forests...but I am cursed to endure yet another Monday, lol. Today feels very Monday-ish. I'm having one of those days where I just don't want to "adult," lol. You all know what I mean, I'm sure. Instead of having to tackle work, I just wanna curl up with a good book inside of a cool blanket fort. Sigh. But apart from the Monday blahs, I'm doing pretty good. I'm officially over Covid now, which I'm very grateful for. Even after I was mostly better, I still had some residual symptoms that just didn't seem to wanna go away. But I've finally kicked it all now. I'm back at 100% again. I even got to go to this fun Harry Potter, Forbidden Forest, event over the weekend. It was really neat. It's a trail in the woods with cool lighting effects and all kinds of magical things. My husband and I had such a fun time. I posted some of the pictures onto my Instagram account, if any of you care to see them.
In other news, book 6 is coming along so well. Urgh, it's, by far, the best book yet. Seeing how everything finally comes together and creating the epic conclusion to this amazing story has been so overwhelming and bittersweet. I sincerely cannot wait to release it and share it with all of you. I'm so stoked about it all. And I may even have an idea for my next writing project...but more on that later.
I hope you all enjoy the rest of this new week. Let's roll into it together and see where it takes us. Love you guys. Sending you all virtual hugs. <3 (Old school heart) lol.
Oh and P.S. - the new blackberry Dr. Pepper is amazing, in case you've been wondering about it. I love blackberries, and the flavor in that soda really shines. I normally don't drink sodas, but this one is pretty bomb. If they have it at your local grocery store, I highly recommend.
***February 2, 2025
Hey, guys. Happy Sunday. I don't know about you all, but I've sure as hell had a loooong week. I, unfortunately, came down with Covid. My whole family caught it, actually. It was quite the bummer. I was lucky enough to have never gotten it for the longest time, even during its height. In fact, most everybody I know has had it at least once since it started going around. I always considered myself lucky. I suppose it was only a matter of time before it eventually made its way to me though. Normally, I handle being sick pretty well, but this little virus is a real jerk. I wanna punch it in its stupid face, lol. It wholeheartedly and thoroughly knocked me on my ass. I didn't move from the couch for the entirety of the week. Thankfully, I'm now on the mend. No more fever and I have a lot of my energy back. Still not 100% but I'm getting there. So yea, needless to say, it's been a pretty crappy, uneventful, and unproductive week for me. I just laid around, trying to get better, while binge-watching 'The Big Bang Theory.' Much like Sheldon, from the show, I myself was dealing with a "code milky green" issue. Haha, if you know, you know. Lol, so gross.
Anyways, I'm very much looking forward to the new week ahead. It'll be so nice getting back into my normal groove again. I'm just not the couch potato type, at least not for long periods of time. But, I've vegged out so much lately that my hips and back actually hurt from laying around all day, lol. I don't know if I can handle one my usual jogs...but I might just go for a walk tomorrow. I think I have enough energy for that. I'm just really happy to finally be off the couch, lol. I'm mostly excited to get back into my story writing again though. I've been away from it for far too long. This final book is just chef's kiss. I'm so happy with how it's coming along, and I can't wait for the day I finally get to share it with all of you guys.
Well, I hope this new week brings good fortune, new opportunities, blessings, and reasons to smile. Let's go into it with a positive mindset, a kick ass attitude, and a little razzle dazzle. (Whatever that means, lol) I love you guys, and I'm wishing you all a terrific new week.
***January 21, 2025
Good morning. For the record, I say this with both sarcasm and defeat, lol. Allow me to tell you about my morning...
I thought I'd start the day off by making myself a nice breakfast. I pulled up this yummy, new recipe for avocado and egg toast. I had never tried this specific recipe before, but it looked so delicious. It was also aesthetically pleasing too - you know, the kind of Pinterest level breakfast that makes you feel like you have your life together. But I ended up dropping an egg, making a slight mess of my kitchen floor, and having to fight off my dog, who wanted to eat it, while cleaning it up. Then I get to my avocado and discovered it was not as pretty on the inside as it was on the outside. It was brown-ish and sad. Like the avocado equivalent of a bad breakup. So, I mashed it up, thinking it might still look decent that way. Spoiler alert - it didn't. Then, when I finally got it all put together and started to sprinkle the necessary spices on top, the cap of my everything bagel seasoning came off, dousing my toast in far too much herbs and spice to be palatable. So, I tossed it into the trash, feeling rather defeated as I then proceeded to slip and fall after my foot found some remaining egg goop from the earlier oops, that I previously had not seen. It turns out, egg yolk on tile floor is slick as hell. Who knew?! Lol. So, I clean the remaining mess and stick my slippery egg covered sock into the washer machine as I curse under my breath and clean up. After catching my breath, I finally decide that perhaps a quick bowl of cereal might just be the safest bet right now. So I pour myself a bowl and begin walking to the table to sit and eat, only to get it knocked out of my hands by my insane dog, who is still high off his egg addled cravings. So I then had to fight my dog off again as I cleaned up the spilled Honey Bunches of Oats. After all that, I literally just sat at the table for about 15 minutes wondering what the hell my life was about, lol.
I'm terrified to tackle the rest of the day now. One thing is for sure though, tomorrow morning, I'm just having a banana.
***January 8, 2025
Today, I am really battling the ups and downs of marketing my novels. It's such a strange and exhausting process. I know I've written some really amazing books, but so have other authors. Some days, it feels like we're all standing together in the same crowded room, all screaming over each other, trying to be heard. It's hard finding ways to stand out and get your work out there. Building an author brand, (whatever that means) feels like a constant balancing act. Should I write more books? Should I be a sort of personality and show off more of my daily life? Should I market my book in a specific niche? Am I promoting my stuff too much? Am I not promoting it enough? It's difficult trying to navigate what will resonate with readers. Sometimes, the strategies I try don't quite land. Some days, I feel like I'm doing it all wrong. It's a chore, to say the least. I wish I could just sit back and let the story speak for itself. You've just got to keep pushing forward though, right?! There are no short cuts to any place worth going. I'm sure as hell not giving up. This is too damn important.
So, I guess the whole point of this post (rant) is simply my way of saying, if you're struggling with anything right now, writing related or not, I see you, and I get it. I really do. You're not alone. Keep pushing forward, keep fighting the good fight, especially if it's something you love. I don't believe the universe would have put a fire in our soul if we weren't meant to have it.
***December 31,2024
Wow. Here we are, at the end of yet another year. 2024 was certainly challenging. It was a busy year for me...full of ups and downs. I've been reflecting on it all quite a bit these past few days. 2024, thank you for the lessons, the growth, and the opportunities. Here's to a brand new year, new dreams, new adventures, and new chapters.
Alright 2025, let's do this!
I'll see you all in the next year. I love you guys, so much. Happy New Years!!!
***December 23, 2024
The holidays are all but here, and I'm feeling a mixture of different emotions. On one hand, I'm mourning the reality of never having another holiday with my father again. It's hard. I miss him in little ways I never thought I would. On the other hand, I'm looking forward to spending special, quality time with the rest of my family and friends. It's going to be a very different Christmas for me this year, that's for sure. It's really made me think a lot about the people going through hard times right now though, who are not so holly jolly this season. I wish I could take some of my joy and just spread it, like a peanut butter, all over everybody, lol. I really do though. I wish I had some kind of magic wand to make everybody happy, even if only for Christmas day. My heart really goes out to all those struggling this season. I'm sending you guys extra love. Whatever your holidays look like, you are in my heart and I wish you every happiness. Happy holidays, loves. May your days be merry bright.
***December 16, 2024
BOOK 5 IS A WRAP!!! (Happy sigh) Urgh, it feels so bittersweet. I can't wait to hold a physical copy in my hands. That's one of the best feelings, any author can tell you. It feels strange to be on the final book now though. This story has been my passion project for years now. I hardly know what I'm gonna do with myself when it's all over, lol. As much as I'm going to miss it, it'll also be fun getting to explore other stories and finding a new passion project. I still don't have an exact release date for book 5, but I can say with pretty strong certainty that it'll be available for purchase before January. Keep an eye on my social media for the big announcements, or simply check back here on the site to check. I'm so excited for you guys to read it! I love you all. Thank you, a million times, for supporting a self-published author. Thank you for the kind words and engagement. Sharing my stories with you guys has truly been such a privilege. You guys make my heart happy.
***December 7, 2024
It got awfully cold here over the last few days. I suppose I got what I've been wishing for. I love the colder weather...just wish it wouldn't have come with gloomy, grey skies, and lots of rain. My poor dogs are not having it either. They throw a fit whenever I have to take them outside to do their business, lol. Can't say I blame them. But, at least I get to break out their cute little sweaters and booties. I also get to break out my warm, fuzzy socks now and drink lots of hot cocoa.
This Thanksgiving was really wonderful. My family and I all made way too much food, lol, but it was delicious and everybody had plenty of leftovers. We played funny games, talked a lot, and laughed. It was nice having that special time with the people I love most in this world. I thought of my dad a lot though. This was our first Thanksgiving without him. He was never much into festivities, and he was rarely present for them. It was still hard not to feel his absence though. I feel it often.
Apart from Thanksgiving, not much has been going on in my little world these past few weeks. Just work, wrapping up my novel, hanging out with my dogs, Christmas gift wrapping, and spending lots of time indoors, where it's warm. My hubby and I have been looking for a new show to get into, since we're likely to be indoors for the next little while, but so far we haven't had much luck. I think that means we should just re-watch all of Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis again. Indeed, a herd of undomesticated equines could not keep me from those shows, lol. (If you know, you know)
I'm very much looking forward to finally finishing book 5! I can't wait to share it with you all! I'm also very much looking forward to Christmas! I sort of splurged a bit this year on gifts. I plan on thoroughly spoiling the people I love this holiday. It's been a difficult year for all of us. They deserve to be spoiled. I'm especially excited about what I got my mom. It's gonna be such a fun Christmas!
I'd better hop off of here now and go find me a snack. My hubby brought home some pizza bagels yesterday, so I think I'm gonna demolish those. I may be pushing 40, but sometimes I still eat like I'm 14 again, lol. Don't judge me. I'm an adult, and I do what I want. Lol.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! (Hugs)
***November 27, 2024
Hey, guys. I know it's been a little while. I'm sorry about that. I've just been juggling quite a bit though, as of late. Life has thrown some curveballs recently. It seems to be the theme of 2024, if I'm just being honest, lol. It's been a challenging year, to say the very least. I'm hoping there will be a little less bruising in the coming year.
I'm very much looking forward to Thanksgiving though. Despite this year's many challenges, I still find myself thankful for so many things. I'm looking forward to some much needed family time too. It's not often we can all get together like this, so I'm savoring that as well as all the food, lol. Gonna make sure to wear my stretchy pants.
Book 5 is now in the editing process, which is always both stressful and interesting. I'm not always fond of editing, but I often find ways to enhance certain scenes and make them better when I go back through it. So, on one hand, It's frustrating to find all the typos, the plot holes, and the speed bumps I didn't expect. On the other hand though, it's fun to add some metaphorical glitter, so to speak, to various parts. I'm so excited about this book, you guys. I can't wait to share it with all of you. I still don't have an exact release date...yet, but I promise you guys, I will let you know the moment I do.
I hope everybody has a lovely Thanksgiving holiday, no matter how you celebrate it. Be safe, be happy, and take this hug. I'm sending hugs to all of you. Do you feel it? It's a pretty serious hug, lol. I love you guys.
Until next time, gobble gobble.
***November 12, 2024
It's soapbox time. Here we go. Here are some things you should never say to a writer...
1. Don't ask the author to sign their book for you, only then to say something along the lines of, "thanks. This signed copy is gonna be worth something, someday." Yes, we know you meant it as a complement, but this actually stings a bit, for us writers. It implies that all of our hard work is only really worth something if it has some sort of monetary value, and this couldn't be further from the truth.
2. Don't ask us if we can give you a free copy. You might not understand why this question stings, so allow me to explain. So much work goes into writing a book. So many of us put our souls into our craft. Not to mention it costs a lot of money to have it professionally edited, to hire beta readers and ARC readers, and to get a cover made. Not to mention, for a lot of us, we're even paying for printing costs and also giving some of our earnings to whatever platform we've published to. It's a lot of work, and when you ask us for a free copy, it's a little like a punch to the gut. After everything we've put into our work, you make us feel like it isn't even good enough to buy.
3. Please, don't ask us if our writing is any good. I've been asked this 3 separate times, by different people. What kind of question even is this? I can't even wrap my head around it and can't fathom why anybody would ever ask it.
4. Don't make snarky comments to writers saying things like, "Oh, you must be rich from all your book sales." You might think you're being cute, but it's really just annoying. Don't be a jackass.
5. "We don't pay, but it's a great opportunity to get your name out there." (Insert snarky side-eye here) Sigh.
6. Telling the writer, "I can't wait to read your stuff!" but then you never, ever do. Weeks go by...months...years...and still all you ever wanna do is mention, at least once every time you see them, that you can't wait to read it. If you're so excited to read it, why haven't you already?! It's ok if you're not really interested in our writing. We understand that not everyone is. But when you tell us you're going to read it, we get really excited about it. We can't wait to hear your feedback or get your questions. Us writers live for that stuff, lol. But when you constantly tell us you'll read it and then never do, it just sort of gets our hopes up every time.
7. Saying something along the lines of, "Oh, I wish I could just sit around and write all day." Writing really isn't so easy, my friend. We may be "sitting around" but our brains and emotions are doing more work than you can understand. It's a helluva lot harder than it looks. Don't believe me? Write your own book. Let's see what you've got.
8. Say, "I wish I had time to write." Sigh again. Writers are not magical creatures with tons of spare time on our hands. We're busy just like everyone else. In fact, most of the writers I know are some of the busiest people I know. We just make a lot of sacrifices. We budget our time, down to the minute. Many of us ( myself included) are often sleep deprived. Bottom line - WE MAKE TIME TO WRITE.
9. "Oh you're a writer. That's cool. What's your real job?" Of all the things I've heard as a writer, this one gets under my skin the most. We're already hyperaware that our craft isn't taken seriously. No need to rub it in our faces.
10. "When your books get made into movies, I'll totally watch them." Yet another sigh. I know the ones who say this mean it to be taken as a compliment, and I guess it sort of an off sort of way. But it kind of invalidates our work. Many people today would rather watch the movie than read the arguably better book it was based off of. We don't write novels with the end goal of them being turned into movies. We write because we want people to read our writing. A movie is something completely different. It's merely a shadow or reflection of our work.
***November 6, 2024
Today just feels heavy. I don't know how else to describe it. This election has been tough on so many of us. Seeing so much hurt and disappointment among the American people truly hurts my heart. Politics are so damn complex and complicated. There is good and bad on all sides, good and bad to both candidates. It's like we're all battling in multiple wars and no matter what side you choose, there is loss and anger and pain.
But, I think it's a good time to remind people that WE have power too, not just these people in charge. Whether you feel like you've won or lost, it's important to keep fighting for what you're passionate about. Keep fighting for the things that are important to you. We all must keep working toward being the change we want to see in the world.
In the meantime though, it's ok to cry. It's ok to be mad. It's even ok to not know how you feel. But it's important to remember to be kind to each other. We're all going through it right now, in one way or another. Be kind and take some time away from social media if you have to. Protect your peace. Know that if you ever need an escape, my stories are always there for you, with open arms. Our country still has a lot of growing up to do. Hold onto faith, hold onto to one another, and let's keep working on the things that matter. There is ALWAYS hope. Always. I love you guys.
***November 5, 2024
Happy Tuesday, you guys. As you all know, it's election week, here, in the U.S. I normally don't discuss things like this in a public setting but, today I want to. This topic is simply too important not to discuss. It's a nerve-wracking time for many of us. A lot can happen. I hope you've all gone out and voted.
I'm going to be candid for a moment here. I'm not really fond of either candidate in this election. I don't swing more toward one side of the Republican/Democrat fence than the other either. I see good and bad on both sides. I always have. At the end of the day though, all I want is for people to have their freedoms, I want our economy to make sense again, and I want our country to grow into something better than it is. I voted for the candidate I believe will do a better job in making those goals a reality. If you haven't voted yet, and you're still able to, please, please get out and make your voice heard. This is the future of our nation and your vote matters. I have faith in our country. I have faith in the future.
I love you guys. Remember - united, we stand.
***November 2, 2024
Hey guys. How is everybody doing today? My pesky cold has finally gone. Good riddance, sir, lol. I certainly won't miss you. Thankfully, I felt better in time for my book event today, which made me so, so happy. It was a lot of fun getting to be a part of something like that. It was daunting, of course. It's always tough for me to get past my shyness and talk to others. I met so many other amazing authors though and even sold a few copies of my book. I even did great during my panel, where I had to talk to a crowd. I sort of fumbled through the last bit of my answer. I started to get really nervous, but overall I'm proud of everything I accomplished at the event. I definitely plan to do more events like this, in the future.

I'm just gonna take a minute now here to brag about my husband, lol. During the whole event, he walked around hyping me up to anybody and everybody who would listen, lol. While I manned my booth, he was making the rounds the whole time. I am so lucky to have found this man. I've never known another person who has the kind of heart he does. Always in my corner, always my biggest fan, and always by my side. I really won the lotto with this nerd, lol. Gabe, if you're reading this, I love you to the moon and back again.
Between all of my events lately and this election week, I admit I'm currently feeling a bit winded. October/November has been a whole experience, to say the least! It's been amazing though, and I am feeling hopeful for the future.
You guys will be happy to know that book 5 is very close to wrapping up. I'm really excited about it. I feel like this book is one of the most exciting in the series. A LOT happens in this one and a lot of the burning questions that have been presented, since the beginning, have finally started to get answered. So much unravels in this book, and it really sets the pace for the coming finale in book 6. I can't wait for you guys to be able to read it. I don't have an exact date, yet. But I promise to let you all know as soon as I figure it out. Stay tuned here or to any of my social media accts for more info on the release date.
I hope you all have a wonderful week! May the road rise up to meet you. (Hugs)
***October 31, 2024
Hey, guys. Happy Samhain, happy Halloween, happy spooky candy day, lol! However and whatever you celebrate, I hope it's amazing. Unfortunately, I caught a cold not that long ago. I'm still feeling a bit under the weather. So, I'm not going to be handing out candy this year or celebrating with friends like I had planned to. I can't be spreading my germs to everybody. Not the kind of trick-or-treat you want to get, I'd imagine, lol. But despite still feelin a little icky, I'm still happier than a June bug at a porch light sale. I finally got to meet Richard Dean Anderson! The event was a tad chaotic. The people in charge of planning were not on the ball that day, lol. Bless their hearts. But despite the chaos, it was still an awesome time. Richard was so sweet and genuinely seemed to be having a great time with his fans. And guess what, guys - he let me hug him!!! Lol, bucket list item checked off. And I know I promised you guys a picture, so here it is.

I know there is a bit of a glare. The professional photo is on such glossy paper. No matter what I did, my phone just kept catching a glare. Glare or not though, this picture still makes me smile. I'm so glad I got to meet him. I've grown up watching him travel to other worlds and save the day on my television screen, over and over again. It was shows like SG1 and Atlantis that first sparked my own creativity. To get to meet him was seriously so cool. I'm so grateful that I got such an incredible opportunity.
I unfortunately started to feel sick the very next day, after the event. I probably caught whatever I got from the crowd at the event, to be honest. I heard a couple of people coughing. Tis the season, I suppose. I will gladly take on a cold though for Richard Dean Anderson, lol.
Coming up here in a few days is my book signing event at my local library. I'm already starting to kick this cold, so I should be healthy enough to go by that time. I know that getting my books out there requires me to engage with people. I'm terrific at doing that online...but in person, it's a bit dauting. Social anxiety is tough. But, I'm honestly looking forward to it, despite being a tad nervous. It's a chance to break me out of my shell a little. I'm excited to meet new people and as well as other authors. I know it's going to be a blast and I'm excited to get my book out there a little bit more. If anybody lives in the Canyon Lake, Texas area, or surrounding areas, feel free to stop by. It's going to be at the Tye Preston Memorial Library, from 1pm-3pm. The address is 16311 S Access Rd, Canyon Lake, TX 78133.
Other than that, life is life. Work has been steady, my writing has been coming along well, I've been keeping more busy outdoors, getting as much sunshine and fresh air as I can. I'm also super excited for the coming holidays. Quality family time is something I crave more and more these days. It'll be nice to have both my sisters here too. We rarely get time together these days.
Well, I'd better hop of of here and knock out some house chores. These dishes won't wash themselves, although I wish they would, lol. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday, no matter how you celebrate it. Have a blast, stay safe, and stay spooky. Love you guys.
***October 20, 2024
Happy Sunday, you guys. It is another gorgeous day here in Canyon Lake. We actually got a little taste of Autumn weather these past couple of days, which made me so happy. Living in the south, (it's always very warm here) you really relish the days when the weather is cool.
I have so much to look forward to here in the next couple of weeks. Book 5 is nearing completion, so I'm trying to brace myself for the excitement of it all. There is nothing like the feeling you get when you can finally hold a physical copy of your book in your hands. (happy sigh.) It makes me emotional. Part of me is ready to be done with this series and move on to something new, and another part of me never wants to be done with it, lol. It's been such an adventure though. I can't wait for it all.
Also, we are down to less than a week now until I get to meet the wonderful Richard Dean Anderson. I'm pretty over the moon just thinking about it. I know it's silly, but I just can't help myself. Stargate SG1 has long been one of my absolute favorite shows. It will be so much fun to get to meet the man who portrayed my favorite character.
Only a few days after that event, I'll have my book talk/signing event. I'm super excited about that too. I'm hoping to gain some new readers and also to have the opportunity to break out of my introverted, social anxious shell for a little bit. I know it's going to be a challenge for me. Public speaking is absolutely not my forte. But I'm gonna crush this thing, and I'm gonna do it with all of my socially awkward graces, lol. Just gonna let my derp shine. Ha.
Man, 2024 has been a helluva year. Going out with a bang though, for sure. I really want to just take a minute here and thank all of you guys. Thank you for being here, thank you for supporting me and my stories, and thank you simply for being a part of my life. It's tough sometimes, being an indie author. We have to promote ourselves, market ourselves, literally do every process of writing and publishing ourselves, and it's really friggen hard. So, our readers really do mean the world to us. Sending out big, warm, cyber hugs for all of you. Can you feel it? It's a bear hug hug, so you should really feel it, lol. Seriously though, I love you guys. You're the reason I do what I do. I will see you all in-between the pages. Until next time...
***October 4th, 2024
Hey, guys. I know, it's been a little while. Life has kept me rather occupied as of late. There is a lot going on in the next few months too. I'm very excited, if not also a little overwhelmed. I am ready to tackle it all though. Today, however, I am happy to announce - I did a thing, lol. I sat down with the wonderful and very sweet Peter Okonkwo, and he interviewed me about my books. The interview will be posted to his YouTube channel "P. English Literature" in the next few days. If you haven't heard of him, I highly recommend checking out his channel. He's gives really wonderful and interesting interviews. You might even find your next TBR book to add to your list. As some of you already know, I am both shy and introverted, so this interview was a really big deal for me. Public speaking has always been quite daunting for me. I might have fumbled my words a little, a couple of times, but I'm proud of having done it. Exciting things rarely happen in your comfort zone, and I like stepping outside of mine every now and again. I'm very excited for the video to be published. I'll be posting it here when it does, probably in the 'about the author' section of the website.
In other very exciting news, I will get the incredibly amazing opportunity to meet the legendary Richard Dean Anderson here in a couple of weeks, at a sci-fi convention. For those of you who don't already know, I am a HUGE Stargate fan! It's been my comfort show for many years, and to get to meet some of the cast at this event is too cool for words. Richard's character in that show is my absolute favorite. I can't wait to get the opportunity to meet him and to tell him how much I love his work.
In other, other, other news, I recently celebrated my birthday. Well, my actual birthday isn't until the 7th of this month, but I celebrated it a little early with family and friends. It's challenging to find a day that works with all of our schedules, so when we find one, we hop on it, lol. But I'm so happy I got to spend the day with the people I love the most. I am feeling very blessed and looking forward to 38. Cheers to another trip around the sun.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend ahead. May it be relaxing and fun. As for me, I have a hike planned and a Hobby Lobby adventure to look forward to. I've got an itch to browse the home decor there. You can never have too much frou-frou decor, I'm convinced. Until next time. Au revoir, my lovely friends.
***September 19th, 2024
Today was one of those days where writing felt a bit like trying to assemble furniture from IKEA, without proper directions and missing pieces. I sat down with my trusty laptop and cup of coffee, hoping for inspiration to strike. Spoiler alert; it did not.
After about an hour of staring at the blinking cursor, I finally decided to take a break. I wandered into the kitchen, contemplating the philosophical implications of whether a snack was actually a "break" or just an excuse to avoid writing. I settled on some strawberries with Nutella, and it hit me - what if my characters had snacks? My protagonist could be in some dramatic standoff with my antagonist while munching on Doritos, lol. That's the kind of high-stakes, cheesy plot twist I can get behind. But my dog then just began to stare at me, taking on the roll of my editor, like he usually does. He gave me his judgmental stare as though to say, "really? Doritos ... in a fantasy world? That doesn't make a bit of sense." I just shrugged. My dog is great at giving feedback, but he tends to prefer "more treats" over "more plot."
Finally, after an eternity (Ok, so it was actually only about two hours, but it felt like forever) I managed to churn out a few pages. It was a weird mix of philosophical musings, snack recipes, and perhaps a bit of actual plot. At this point, I've learned to just embrace the chaos. Maybe I'll be the first person to write a best seller about the life changes powers of Doritos.
***September 8th, 2024
I don't know about you guys, but I get so giddy whenever I go to the library. I'm like a kid on Christmas morning. Everything from the smell of the books, the ambiance, to the unread stories on the shelves calling my name. My husband and I spent quite a bit of our morning today perusing the books. Sometimes I wish I could just live there. I wonder how much they'd charge me for renting a space, lol. "Oh, don't mind me. Just gonna use this 'Lord of the Rings' novel as a pillow. It's not weird, I'll more than likely dream about the Shire anyways. I usually do."
Libraries are a wonderful way to start a new week. 10 outta 10 highly recommend.
***August 29th, 2024
This post is gonna be about pickles, I've decided. And not just any pickles, I'm talking about Claussen pickles. They are the best pickles.
It's 3am and my insomnia is keeping me up. Normally this kinda things bums me out, especially when I've got a busy day ahead of me. Nobody likes being tired. But right now, I'm just soaking up all this briny bliss. I've already downed about 1/4 of the jar and I feel no shame as I continue to sit here and eat more of them. It's a good thing it's 3am and everybody else is asleep right now because I wouldn't want to share my pickles with any one.
I'm convinced that pickles are the universe's way of saying, "hey, life doesn't always make sense, but here is something crunchy and delicious to make it a little bit better." When life hands you insomnia, you answer with a pickle party. I'm not even sure what a pickle party is, but it sounds cool and I'm gonna make it happen. Man, these are really good. And they're healthy, right?! I mean, they're made from cucumbers. I'm basically eating a salad. Don't judge me. I'm really tired and weird. Makes for an odd combination, I'm certain. Pickles.
Ok, it's time to put these pickles up now and try to get some sleep. Goodnight ... or ...good morning. Whatever. I'm gonna try to catch some Zs now, pickle flavored or otherwise. Good grief, I'm really friggen weird. Why do you guys even like me or read my novels? Lol.
***August 13th, 2024
Today was a whirlwind of emotion and creative energy. I spent most of the day working on this pivotal scene in my novel trying to get it just right. It's a raw and very painful scene between my characters Dorian and Evelyn. If you've been keeping up with the novels, you know all about the complexities of their complicated relationship. Like most of my readers, I absolutely adore these characters, so this scene really took it out of me.
I think it's almost kind of magical how a scene can feel like a living, breathing entity. There is just something so cathartic about putting certain feelings and moments into words. And then you just get this beautiful combination of relief and exhaustion after it's all written. It can be so draining, but so rewarding. It's moments like this that remind me why I love writing so much. Even though it's an arduous process, these moments of clarity, feeling, and connection make it all worthwhile.
***August 4th, 2024
Hi, guys. I know I haven't come on here and written anything in a little while, but you'll be happy to know it's because I've been pouring myself into my writing. It's taking nearly everything in me to not blurt out all the cool stuff that's happening in book 5, but I'll do my best, lol.
I've been rather nostalgic these past few days. I'm not sure if it's because of the recent passing of my father ... or perhaps something else. But I keep thinking back on childhood memories. I think of old summers spent in Missouri, some of the old homes I grew up in, even school and old school friends. It's strange how the past can almost feel like a different life entirely. And it's really incredible to see my growth and progress over the years. I've come such a long way, and I'm anxious to see where I continue to go. But it's interesting to occasionally look back too. Lots of fond memories to choose from. I miss my dad.
It's also strange to realize the Autumn months are just around the corner now. I swear, it was Christmas just yesterday, lol. I'm excited for the fall though. It's my favorite time of the year. It's like the beginning to all of the fun holidays. It makes me excited to spend quality time with family, eat good food, and just enjoy the holiday festivities. I really wanna dress up as Amy Farrah Fowler for Halloween. If I can get my husband to dress up as Sheldon, it will be epic. And I promise to post a picture if we do, lol.
I hope you all have a wonderful new week ahead. May it be blessed. Until next time...
***July 18, 2024
After taking a bit of a hiatus, I am happy to announce that I have dove back into my writing once again. And I've gotta say, it feels so good to be back at it. I think I sometimes forget how essential writing is to my life. It's more than just a hobby or a career, it's my purpose. It's the lens in which I make sense of the world. It untangles the thoughts in my mind and gives shape to my imagination. A.S. Byatt once said, "Think of this - that the writer wrote alone, and the reader read alone, and they were alone with each other." What a beautiful thought. Writing is connection. Urgh, I'm starting to sound a little like a Hallmark card right now, huh? Lol.
In other news, I think I've become slightly addicted to playing Hogwarts Legacy, lol. It's not even so much the game play, if I'm just being honest, although that too is really fun. It's the graphics and the openness of the game. The castle is just insane! It's gorgeous!!! I just wanna explore and wander the halls all day long, lol. I was even put in Ravenclaw, which makes me super happy. I've always felt like I'd be in Ravenclaw. It's even the house I got put into on Pottermore. I absolutely love professor Ronan, lol. I'm anxious to keep playing though and to meet the other professors.
Anyways, blah, blah, blah, lol. Look at me going on about a video game. Ha. I'm slowly turning into my husband, lol. At least the week is just about over. I'm excited for the weekend to get here. I've got a bookstore/lunch adventure planned with friends, a day out with my mom, redecorating my office space, and as much writing as I can squeeze in-between all the fun, lol. It should be a really nice weekend. I am looking forward to it.
***July 4th, 2024
It's been a bit of a whirlwind these past couple of weeks, but I think I've finally found my footing again and caught my breath. Things still don't entirely feel normal. I don't know if they'll feel normal again for a while though. But, I'm getting back into my regular routine again, which has helped a lot. I haven't been doing any of my novel writing though, unfortunately. My story has been put on a back burner, for the time being. But not to worry, it won't be there for long. I'm just gonna give it a little more time for these mental and emotional storm clouds to clear, and then I'll dive back into it with renewed vigor.
I wish I had something amazing to tell you guys about my life, recently. But, truthfully, there just hasn't been much going on. I've just been taking time to grieve and heal and watching a lot of "Stargate Atlantis", lol. Stargate has been a long time comfort show for me. Both SG1 and Atlantis. There is rarely a day so bad that the great Dr. Rodney McKay can't fix, lol.
It's also the 4th of July. I've decided to take it easy this year. As much as I'd love to celebrate, I just don't have the energy right now. I'm pretty mentally drained after everything. So, I'm gonna stay at home with my husband and my doggies. We'll probably order some yummy food and watch a movie. But it's been wonderful reminiscing about some old July 4th memories.
My dad loved the 4th. He loved fireworks. He'd set off dozens of those colored smoke bombs off in the yard, and I just remember running through the rainbow smoke and it feeling so magical. I also remember him and my uncle Jeff trying to set off fireworks inside of soda cans and my poor mom freaking out, thinking someone was gonna lose a finger, lol. And there was always watermelon. Not a single summer went by without watermelon and fireworks.
Someone told me today that they don't ever celebrate the 4th because there isn't anything worth celebrating in this country. I couldn't disagree more though. Sure, I acknowledge all of the flaws and all of the issues this country has. I won't deny that it needs a lot of work and a lot of change. But even despite it's messiness, I feel it's still worth celebrating - in particular, the incredible people who have served and sacrificed for this country. There isn't a day that goes by that those amazing people aren't worth remembering, acknowledging, and celebrating. Plus, there is always hope for a brighter future ahead. So happy 4th, you guys! Have fun and be safe. As my mom would say, "Please don't lose any fingers." Lol.
***June 21, 2024
I write this entry with a very heavy heart. I didn’t even really know if I wanted to take this here onto my website or not, but the whole point of this section of my website was to be vulnerable and real with you guys and talk about what's going on in my life. So, here it goes…
My father passed away on the 15th of this month. The day before Father’s Day, which only made it so much harder. He was a heavy drinker for most of his life, and his bad habit just caught up with him. My family and I learned he was terminal some months ago, so we’ve been able to sort of prepare, as much as one can. But even when you know it’s coming, it still doesn’t make it any easier.
To be honest, my father and I had never been close. I had love for him and he had love for me, but we didn’t always like one another. We were polar opposites, as different as night and day. He was often a difficult man. He was a military man, and that military mentality became such an integral part of him. He ran his house like it was a bootcamp and often treated us like we were his troops, rather than his family. He was difficult to get along with; brash and cantankerous. But there were these moments when those walls of his would come down, even if only for a moment, and he’d forget about all of that tough stuff and just be our father. I lived for those rare and special moments.
One of my favorite memories with him was going to a Monster Truck show. I've never enjoyed Monster Trucks all that much, but he absolutely loved them. I got us tickets to see them for his birthday last year. His eyes would just light up whenever the trucks would first come out and their engines roared to life. He was rarely happier than when he was at a Monster Truck show. The day we were there, he got himself a soft pretzel to nosh on and only ate about half of it. He wrapped the last half up in the package it came in and shoved the rest into a pocket of his jacket. It was a breast pocket on the inside of his jacket. When he reached for it later, toward the end of the show, it was all smooshed and floppy from his body heat. He jokingly called it his "sweaty armpit pretzel." I'm pretty sure I physically cringed. It was even more disturbing when he actually ate the rest of the dang thing, lol. We joked and laughed about it all the way home. It was so gross. But it became kind of a silly joke between us. We'd randomly bring it and laugh about it all over again. That day was one of the most fun days I've ever had with my dad.
Going through his belongings after he passed, my mother let my sisters and I take whatever we wanted. Out of all his possessions though, all I wanted was that jacket. There was rarely a time I ever saw him without it on. It just feels like it's a part of him. It was the jacket he'd wear outside when he'd want to sit in the sunshine. Almost every conversation we've had in the last few years was out on his porch, while he wore that jacket. He'd even wear it inside the house sometimes, just because it was comfy. But it is also his "sweaty armpit pretzel" jacket and what he wore on a happy day we shared together.
That jacket now hangs in my room and it feels so void of him. There will be no more conversations out on the porch, no more Monster Trucks, no more pretzels and laughs. Only memories. And even though we weren't as close as I would have liked us to be, I know I'll miss him forever.
***June 8th, 2024
Examples of a writer's Google search history-
-How to make characters fall in love without the dreaded cliches?
-Synonyms for 'said' that won't make my dialogue sound like a thesaurus puked all over it.
-Can you overdose on caffeine? (Asking for a friend)
-How to make my villain become more relatable without becoming one myself?
-Can I claim my dog as a co-author for all of the emotional support they've given me?
-Why is writing so damn hard?
-How to convince my family and friends that staring off into space is a legitimate form of work
-Can I claim my wine budget as a tax deduction for "inspirational purposes?"
-Famous authors' rejection letters to make myself feel better
-How to hide snacks in my desk for marathon writing sessions?
-Is it unethical to base a villain off of my annoying neighbor?
-Is it normal to have imaginary conversations with my characters?
-How to stop procrastinating and start writing...after just one more episode
-How to politely tell friends and family that 'writing time' is also 'leave me alone' time.
-How to survive solely on pizza and dreams
-Can I sue my characters for emotional distress?
***May 31, 2024
I have a confession to make. I think I am addicted to home decor, lol. There, I said it. I've gotten it off my chest and can breath a little easier now.
My home office has always been a sort of sacred space for me. It's not only where I work, but it's where I write and create my stories. I spend a lot of time in that room, so I want my environment in there to be a magic one. There is a lot of faux ivy going on in there, lots of floral garlands, Tiffany lamps, all my bookshelves and beautiful books, lots of unique knick-knacks, lots of fantastical artwork, and plenty of elephant stuff (because I LOVE them!) The best way I can describe the aesthetic to you is a combination the worlds in Tolkien's works, Alice in Wonderland, an ancient library, and something akin to the masquerade dream scene in the movie 'Labyrinth.' Yes, it's just as eclectic and strange as it sounds, but I absolutely love it, lol. It makes me happy to have a space that is just as weird and colorful as I am.
I'd like to give Hobby Lobby a HUGE shoutout while I'm here. I've found a lot of my decor in that store, and absolutely plan to spend more money there very soon, lol.
I mentioned "Labyrinth" and now I am now in desperate need to jam out to the "Labyrinth" soundtrack. Oh goodness...what have I done? I'm just gonna give in and go have a dance party with my dogs now, lol. "You remind me of the babe..."
***May 22, 2024
Today marks another epic battle in the ongoing saga of Danielle vs. blank page. Armed with nothing but a cup of my favorite lavender lemonade and delusions of grandeur, I embark on this quest to produce ... literally any literature at this point, lol. The real villain of this story though-distractions, my dear readers. Urgh, distractions. From the siren call of social media to the seductive allure of cute dog videos, I find myself ensnared in a web of digital diversions. Damn you, TikTok.
Some days, writing comes as easy to me as breathing. Other days, like today, it feels like scaling mount Everest without a map. Maybe I'm just hungry, lol. (Grabs a sandwich) Nah. That would have been too easy. But as I sit here with my peanut butter and jelly sandwich, which my dog just lovingly knocked out of my hand and onto my lap, getting jelly everywhere, (sigh again) I am still determined. After all, a hungry writer is still a determined writer. Even if she is covered in jelly. (Googles how to remove jelly stain from clothes.)
***May 14, 2024
There is nothing like the first sunny, bright, blue day after a week long gloomy, gray, rainy period. Urgh, I feel like a plant. I just want to be outside and photosynthesize, lol. And it perfectly matches my mood today too. I've been over the moon since yesterday afternoon. One of my dearest friends became a dad for the first time, yesterday. He's always dreamed of being a father, and I'm so happy that he has such a wonderful woman by his side on this incredible journey. My heart is just so happy for them. They named their son Helios, after the Greek god of the sun. Isn't it lovely how the universe created the trees, the mountains, the lakes, the stars, and all the beauty of the world. And then it looked around at everything and realized it needed Helios too. Welcome to the world, beautiful little boy. Your auntie Danielle already loves you beyond words.
If anybody needs me today, I'll be smiling from ear to ear and soaking up all the sun. (Happy sigh.)
***May 08, 2024
Before I even started writing this post I realized I had accidentally put the year as 20204. Yikes. It's been a while guys, lol.
So, I told myself, and my readers, that my series would likely be a total of 5 books. At the rate is was coming along, 5 seemed to be the perfect fit. However, as I'm sitting here, half way through writing book 5, I am now realizing that we're gonna need a 6th one to really wrap everything up properly. Sometimes my characters just do things of their own freewill. I'd feel bad if I didn't sit back and let them take the wheel every now and again, lol. This just means more story, more adventure, and definitely more fun. So I'm kinda celebrating it. If anybody wants to do a happy dance with me, I'm open to dance partners, lol.
In other news, I received a rejection from a hopeful literary agent the other day. They sent me the rejection email maybe 20 mins or so after I sent them the query. Talk about ouch. Like...did they even really consider it?! I've never been rejected so fast before. Kind of made me reel a little bit. But after a good cry, I did what any writer would do...I sent our more queries. Lol. Yo ,ho, yo, ho, a writer's life for me.
***April 23, 2024
Writing is ... hard. It's really friggen gosh damn hard. I am feeling it today. Just the writing process alone is tough; making sure everything flows, being mindful of tone, ambiance, and description, having to go back and fix plot holes, having to delete entire chapters because they no longer serve the direction your story has taken, staying focused, constantly pushing yourself, and those sleepless nights where coffee is your best friend. But then comes the editing, the re-editing, the copyrighting, the beta-readers, the ARC readers, and everything in between. The cover creation, the formatting, the set up...and this is all just before it even hits the market! Then comes the marketing itself, the social media engagement and posts, the plug-ins, the querying, the website creations. To say it's exhausting doesn't even begin to cover it. I've spent countless hours trying to discover new ways to shine a light on my work, to get it out there more. But I'm in competition with thousands of other artists who are all promoting their work too. How in the hell am I going to stand out against everybody else?! Some days it feels like I'm just screaming into a void. Like I'm yelling at the top of my lungs and nobody even looks up. Some days, I manage to get quite a lot of sales and then day go by and I don't have a single one. I start asking myself if I'm good enough. I ask myself if all of my work is worth it, and if it will ever really go somewhere. Some days I am celebrating my work and myself, other days I resent it all and I waste an afternoon crying about it. This stuff is not for the weak, I'll tell you that much. But each day I fall down, I pick myself back up and I keep going. I've got a story to tell! And I'll be damned if I've come this far only to stop now.
To all my fellow writers out there; I see you. You are magic.
***April 18, 2024
My website is going live this evening! I'm so excited! I owe a special shout out to my good friends Deb and Lauren, for helping me build it and making it so pretty. We've been building it and designing it for a while now, and it's so much fun to see it all finally come together. Gonna go out and celebrate with them, then come back home and have a little cake and some tea, then end the evening having a dance party with my dogs, lol. They may be senior dogs, but they still both raise the woof. (See what I did there? Lol) I know, I know, I'm a dork, lol. Anyways though, I hope you all enjoy this new website! I'm so happy you guys are here! I love y'all. Thanks for stopping by.
***April 14, 2024
Just a warning, this is gonna be a rant post. I'm hopping on my soapbox right now, lol.
I want to start out by saying that I absolutely love being a part of different writing communities. I love exchanging ideas, having those deep, magical discussions with other writers, and sharing in each other's joys and struggles. And even when a writer has a very different view point about an aspect of writing than I do, I listen with an open mind and genuinely consider their ideas. But one thing I cannot and will not ever stand for is the idea that you must write every single day in order to be good at it/be successful. But I see this sort of thing being said a lot of the time in my writer's groups, and it really grinds my gears.
Look, I will be the first person to tell you that practice makes perfect! If you want to be good at writing, you need to write as often as you can. But you're also allowed to be human too. You're allowed to be too busy to write. You're allowed to feel too crappy to write. You're allowed to want to do other things other than write. You're even allowed to simply not be in the mood. Whatever your reason is, you don't need to write every single day in order to be successful at it. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that mindset is a little toxic. It comes from a place of privilege and a lack of understanding. If you can and want to write every single day, that's wonderful. You do you. More power to you. But let's not shame those who don't have that same luxury. Take time off if you have to, if you want to. There is plenty of life to live beyond the ones we create in our writing. Just be sure you reacquaint yourself with your work when you come back, especially if you've been away a while.
That is all. End rant. I love you guys. Thank you, lol.
***April 11, 2024
I GOT MARRIED TODAY! (insert a million smiley face emojis here, lol) I'm so happy I got to marry my favorite dork in the whole wide world.
To be honest, I didn't ever see myself getting married again. I did it once when I was very young and very naive. It fell apart, and I was convinced I'd never want to do it again with anybody. But, then this guy came along, and turned my whole world upside down with his atrociously bad flirting, Stargate quotes, uproarious sense of humor, and his childlike wonder. From the moment we first met, I knew he was gonna be somebody special to me. And the more I got to know him, the more I fell in love with him. There is nobody else I'd rather take on this life with than this goober. Once you find the right person, you'll see how much love is actually supposed to be easy.

***April 08, 2024
Well, today was the eagerly awaited solar eclipse event! Where we live was supposed to be in a prime spot for viewing, so we thought it'd be fun to make a whole afternoon of it. We invited some of our friends over, we bought pizzas and snacks, pulled out the games, and even had our fancy solar eclipse glasses, (which we all looked dazzling in, by the way. I just feel the need to emphasize that, lol). When it came time, we hauled all of our butts out onto our balcony and stared up at the sky, awaiting the show. But the thick cloud coverage had different plans. We couldn't see squat! We saw a sliver of the ring of fire, for the briefest of moments, and then it just went dark for a little bit. I suppose it was still kinda cool seeing how night-ish it almost seemed to get for a brief moment...but that was the extent of the event. We saw none of the actual eclipse itself. We were all left a little less than impressed, that's for sure. But you know what - it sure as heck didn't stop us from enjoying the rest of our afternoon; stuffing our faces with pizza, playing funny games, and simply laughing together and engaging in conversation. Things don't always go the way you hope they do, but that's ok. There is always good friends and yummy pizza, lol. Today was a fun day. I am thankful.
***April 04, 2024
Nearly every writer I know has their own writing rituals. As for me, I need the sunshine. The more sunshine I have pouring into my room, the better I write. I am convinced I'm part plant or something. I photosynthesize and the creative juices just start flowing, lol. I also love ambient music. Gotta listen to just the right sound to help put me in a writing groove. Lastly, I love a good candle. An earthy smell is always best; petrichor, patchouli, or sandalwood. If I have all three of these perfect elements going on in my little writing not disturb. I am in the zone! Ha-ha, seriously though, if you disturb me during such perfect writing conditions, I might just stab you, with love of course, lol.
***March 27, 2024
One of the things I love about being a part of different writing groups and communities is engaging with other like-minded people. I love seeing that so many of us share such a passion for what we do, so many of us struggle with the same things, and each of us is so unique and yet also strikingly alike in so many ways. Writers are an enigma, that's for sure. Whatever your passion is though, I highly suggest making friends and networking with people who share those passions. Not to say that you shouldn't make friends outside of your passions, because that's important too. But, I think it's important to have all different kinds of friends from all different walks of life. But having those friends who light up from the same things as you, and whose souls share in the same joys and hardships as you, are very different kinds of friendships. Not only will you find your people, but you'll have a whole group of like-minded individuals you can learn from, teach, grow with, and laugh with. That circle is so important. Hold onto those ones.
***March 25, 2024
Do you ever just sit at your desk and wanna AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Because, same.
Sigh. It's been a whole day. Some days are just like that though, I guess. I'm gonna go have a cookie. That'll cheer me up. Cookies have never let me down, even when they're oatmeal raisin. Oatmeal raisin doesn't deserve the bad rep that it gets. Sure, they're not chocolate chip, but they're still lovely in their own way. My nephew just told me that oatmeal raisin cookies are "for old people." A couple of weeks ago, he told me the same thing about Almond Joys, which I also happen to love. I'm well on my way to getting those sweet senior citizen discounts, y'all! Look out, Granny Dani is coming your way! Lol.
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